It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
''Their likeness of one who kindled a fire; then, when it lighted all around him, Allah took away their light and left them in the darkness.So, they could not see.'' (1:17)
The man wanted light, he only kindled fire.It produced a blaze and won the applause of all around.But it did not last long. When the flame went out as was inevitable, the darkness was worse than before. And they all lost their way. So hypocrisy,deception,arrogant compromise with evil,cynicism or duplitity may win temporary applause.But the true light of faith and sincerity is wanting and therefore it must mislead and ruin all concerned.
I was reading Quran this morning after subuh prayer under the light of my small table lamp. My room was not that bright. While reading, i felt guilty. I realized that i always want the bright light. The white bulb instead of yellowish bulb. How ignorant I am. But ahem,actually I have two lamps,white for study table and yellow for bed.
Anyway,back to the quote and the ayat, we are not here to curse the darkness but to light the candle that can guide us through the darkness to a safer and brighter path towards our future. Be sincere (always please) and the light will shine. The bright light will fade away if we light it up just to show our greatness.
Oh Allah, please show me the bright light, so that I can walk trough the right path.
p/s: Dah dah jom siap siap pergi sekolah. Ish online memanjang. Mari belajar! ;D
I was reading Quran this morning after subuh prayer under the light of my small table lamp. My room was not that bright. While reading, i felt guilty. I realized that i always want the bright light. The white bulb instead of yellowish bulb. How ignorant I am. But ahem,actually I have two lamps,white for study table and yellow for bed.
Anyway,back to the quote and the ayat, we are not here to curse the darkness but to light the candle that can guide us through the darkness to a safer and brighter path towards our future. Be sincere (always please) and the light will shine. The bright light will fade away if we light it up just to show our greatness.
Oh Allah, please show me the bright light, so that I can walk trough the right path.
p/s: Dah dah jom siap siap pergi sekolah. Ish online memanjang. Mari belajar! ;D