Sunday, 30 October 2011

Summer Break.

Yipie done with my second year. Hopefully I will pass my exam and step into third year. Time flies. It has been 2 years I'm here,a land far far away from my homeland, Dunedin,New Zealand.InsyaAllah semuanya akan berjalan lancar :)

I feel sad. Everybody is going back to Malaysia and I'm not. They're leaving me. Oh Fairuz,please be strong. You'll be okay here. And there's another thing that upsets me. Hurm, I don't know how to tell but yeah it really makes me feel sad. I hate this feeling and oh dear heart,please jangan naughty.

It's just four months.



  1. Wah, cepatnya dah habis second year.
    Kitorang kat sini baru 1st sem 2nd year. >__<
    Pharmacy kat NZ pun 4 years kan? Ke 5 years (Masters in Pmacy terus)

    Hehe, enjoy your holidays, dear! Ada hikmah tu summer break spend dekat Dunedin. Something good will await you, insya-Allah. :)

  2. Thank you Sarah!Yup,sekarang tengah job hunting.
    A'ah dah habis second year. 4 years je.Kat sini tak boleh sambung belajar terus.Kena buat intership dulu 2 years unutk diiktiraf jadi pharmacist,then baru boleh sambung.Macam m'sia jugak kena buat housemanship dulu .

    You too good luck exam! ;)
