Sunday, 5 August 2012

16th ramadhan

Had mini bazar ramadhan yesterday and i opened a stall called Gerai Cik Siti. I was selling nasi kerabu and net income was $270 yaaaay :D Alhamdulillah! Rezaki ramadhan. I didn't expect people to buy my nasi kerabu and i'm sorry for those who were queuing for my nasi kerabu but couldn't get it :( insyaAllah next time okay people! :)  

Anyway, hmm i'm not sure if it's just me or it's those people. Maybe it's just me being too sensitive. yes  i am sensitive. Too sensitive sometimes. But, i'm not a person who always show my feelings, anger, happiness or whatsoever. Do you know that our face expressions can offend or hurt people that we are talking/facing to. our expressions show what's inside us but it doesn't mean that you have to always show it  especially when it can hurt others. huh i'm just tired. Tired of taking it all. Do you know how hard it is to always being the only one to jaga hati people? (jaga hati in english apa eh?:p). People, please don't always think that you're the only one who can show your feelings, your expressions, your tiredness, your whatever whatever and  don't always think you're the only one who has a heart okay? Because we're all human beings and  having a fragile heart. Jadi, mari kita jaga hati masing masing :) :) peace.